Insomniac Games had yet another hit on their hands when they released the PS3 near-launch title Resistance: Fall of Man. This first-person shooter was something a bit different from the developer, who previously worked on the Spyro trilogy on the PS1, and the Ratchet and Clank series on the PS2. This gritty, alternate-universe shooter was praised for its strong premise, tight gameplay, and unique weaponry, and sparked yet another trilogy from the developer.

There has been no sign of Resistance on the PS4, as Insomniac took a few years after Resistance 3 to develop some other shooters, FUZE and Sunset Overdrive. Both Sony and Insomniac have gone on record in recent years to say that no Resistance sequel is planned, and focus was primarily on 2018’s amazing Spider-Man. For the past few weeks, Insomniac’s Facebook has had quite a few posts with exclusively Resistance memes. This is noteworthy, as it is arguably their least popular franchise at the moment, considering the other heavyweights under their resume.

While I would not rule it out, it is unlikely that any new Resistance game would come out, as there is a universal concensus from all of the parties that could make it happen that the series has concluded. What this could more likely mean is a remaster for the PS4, or, at this point, the PS5. My only doubt in this is that the PS5 is being pitched to be backwards-compatible with all previous generations, so the idea of a remaster seems somewhat redundant.

Nevertheless, the fact of the matter is that Insomniac’s Resistance franchise is getting more love than it usually does, especially in the year 2019. Born at a time where first-person shooters were a dime a dozen, this franchise is fondly-remembered by tons of gamers, and I would welcome at least a remastered trilogy with open arms. Would you like to see the Resistance games make a comeback?

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Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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