Stardew Valley is the acclaimed indie successor to the Harvest Moon series, and is a chill game that you can find on pretty much any system. Over the past few years it has had a few updates, most notably an ambitious online multiplayer update. Now, on PC, Mac and Linux, players can play the new version 1.4 update. As expected, a whole bunch of things have been added and tweaked.

Multiplayer, for one thing, has a bunch of additions, some of which can only really be appreciated on computer platforms. Private chat messages can now be sent between players and now players can use commands to kick or ban players. Multiple players can now have different traits like luck and bulletin board quests synced together, while players can also have separate things like separate cash (where before everyone shared the same money) and separate cellars. Additionally, a new type of farm map, intended for co-op, has been added which splits the farm into four corners with different perks.

One of the biggest additions is improved cosmetics. It’s not a slice-of-life game without some fashion to engage with. There’s 24 new hair styles, a whopping 181 new shirts, 35 hats and 14 new pairs of pants. Why stop at customizing yourself? 38 decorative items for your farm is added in, along with 17 new flooring options; there is also a Mini-Jukebox so that you can play different music on your farm. Farming in this game is relaxing, and now you can be more stylish while doing so.

Along with the big additions and bug fixes, there’s also a bunch of quality of life stuff. Forget what a villager’s favorite gifts are and tired of having to cross-reference the game’s wiki? The game now keeps track of what items you’ve already given and what the villager thinks of it. Sick of losing stuff when you collapse in a mine? You can at least pay up to recover one of those. Don’t like how your inventory fills up with items you craft? You can now stack items of the same type.

There’s a whole lot more specific additions and changes, including stuff like a new event for villagers that are your spouse. The full changelog can be viewed here, but please note that there are some spoilers, so new players should be wary. Stardew Valley‘s 1.4 update is on the way to consoles and mobile, though concrete dates haven’t been set yet.

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Dari Bazile

Howdy, I'm Dari, an aspiring game developer and game journalist. I run a review focused joint called Indie Hell Zone that's mainly focused on indie games, but here I'm willing to be all over the place. Avatar is drawn by @ladysaytenn on Twitter!

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