I’ve been fairly vocal about my opinion of Rockstar‘s work, I think the games are always worth checking out if you are a fan of open-world games, yet their business practices can get in the bin. I’m not always a fan of what they do with their games, though they are the reason I fell in love with games from an early age. I’ve made plenty of jokes about beating old women with phallic objects while dressed in all black leather, though I have grown up from that young age of ten.

That said we all get a little excited when there’s news or a supposed leak of some sort. This time the news comes from an Instagram story of hip hop group, City Morgue, recently teased by “Righteousp” and later the group sharing the story. As can be seen below, the image in question is the Rockstar international logo under “Summer 2020,” below that an X, and under this is the group’s logo. Interestingly, next to the tower of logos and tags suggesting the two are working together would be the ESRB rating; or lack thereof.

Brought to light and shared far and wide by a former Rockstar employee and insider by the name of “Yan2295,” the screenshot above shows the story shared by City Morgue. Though I’m not familiar with City Morgue myself, the group formed in 2017 with a former ghostwriter for Tekashi69, ZillaKami, and SosMula, with Thraxx producing a large number of tracks from their first album. The group is fairly modern, which seems obvious. With the group only teasing a date for next year, one could assume the group is teasing a reveal trailer of a new game.

In another image provided by (Warning: Strong language in the link) Wardoganthem187, Righteousp then ‘confirms’ the image and tease as something real. Wardoganthem187 then goes on to ask if this is for a soundtrack role or suggesting a role somewhere else in a game, to which Righteousp states: “soon.” The same thing said by GTA V actor Steven Ogg at an appearance in Brasil recently, once again coming from Yan2295, rumors he spoke about seem to suggest they are just that.

One assumes, with the group so fresh out of the box, the game in question is to be set in modern times. While City Morgue isn’t teasing any series, in particular, one would assume them to be teasing a Grand Theft Auto appearance, though whether that’s on the soundtrack or elsewhere we don’t know. Given we’re a year from the release of the next generation of consoles, we could easily see the reveal of the next in the series from Rockstar Games. That said, the studio or their parent company Take-Two have not filled trademarks for that next installment yet. Though Take-Two did own the trademark “GTA6,” before abandoning it in 2008.

If the group aren’t on the soundtrack or playing a Love Fist role, one would assume they are taking control of a radio station in the game. It would not be the first time the studio put non-voice actors in the role, In GTA IV, fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld played the DJ for K109, and in GTA V, Kenny Loggins plays himself as the host of LS Rock Radio; Actress and model Cara Delevigne hosts Non-Stop-Pop FM. If the group were to play this role, one could see them in the role of Kurt “Big Boy” Alexander or Mark “DJ Pooh” Jordan from GTA V, hosting Radio Los Santos and West Coast Classics (hip hop stations) respectively.

All that said, there is no word on what their role will be. There is no word on what game they are teasing either, the entire situation is too early to speculate specifics. Though some have suggested the possibilities of this being Bully, which seems like a far reach. Nevertheless, I like many other fans of Rockstar’s open-world blockbusters can’t wait to see what is to come next from the studio.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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