Movies are an interesting breed of entertainment. Having to just sit there for two hours, doing nothing else other than watching flashy lights, while in the last showing some kid dropped their zesty orange drink on the floor. Movies are awful things that should be avoided at all costs, especially those of the video game origins. The last one is important because most of the time studios don’t understand why something is popular, they just want to drain it for nostalgia.

One of the most recent pieces of video game history that is being dug up and re-animated; literally, in this case, is Sonic. Yes, that little blue scamp is back again and this time looking about 35 percent less horrifying. Yes, back in April, we got our first look at the little blue horror and he looked to be about as inviting as a Funko Pop being inserted in a human. Long spindly legs didn’t help it, though for the most part, he looked to be an angry teenager.

Six whole months of animators doing some major crunch period work later, and we have a slightly more acceptable Sonic allowed around the children. Yes, the new trailer for the movie no one wanted several months ago has dropped and is being slightly praised for forcing hundreds of people to work double overtime. I will admit, it does look slightly better and might be interesting, though I don’t expect this to be the savior of the video game movie.

As proven by this very drastic change by the studio, it is mostly a movie trying to bank on nostalgia. This is something I could see Warner Bros doing with their new trailer for “Scoob.” It looks fine and might just be a showcase of Sonic for the merchandising, though that’s the best one could really hope for at this point.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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