It is that time again. Sorry, that’s got too much excitement in it. Oh god, it is that time again! Much better, as there’s a lot I have to cover this month; and another five games for your perusal. Though there’s a whole cavalcade of loot to get through first, so let’s get to it.

We’ll start today with GTA Online and Red Dead 2‘s online version as the latter is releasing on PC soon. As the case has been for the last few months, both are offering ‘free’ in-game currency; the former in the form of $250,000 and latter about $300 of gold, with a bounty hunter’s license in Red Dead Online offering superior ammo. GTA Online players get a hanger, a discount on premium in-game content, and a 10 percent discount on all game-wide purchases. Both are offering 15 percent more value to all shark cash cards and gold bar purchases from select retailers. Be sure to be quick, as both are ending soon.

In the last of the Rainbow Six Siege loot, Jackal is the last operator to be featured. In this bundle, you will get a blue camo outfit for Jackal, a small tag to hang off his gun, and a mega-fan charm. One would assume the charm would also dangle off part of your gun, however, it seems to be painted gold. This offer ends on the 18th of November, so you’ll have a little while longer to collect this one.

This month’s RuneScape deal is the “premium currency pack.” Featuring two-hundred Runecoins, fifteen treasure hunter keys, and forty hearts of ice. This one you will have to be quick for, as the premium currency bundle will end on Tuesday the 5th.

The next one will also end on the very same day, and is a mobile game, however, there are plenty of opportunities to get another chance. If you are a player of The King of Fighters ALLSTAR, you can collect ten battle card tickets. As a whole, there are a total of seven loot drops, taking place between now and the 27th of January 2020. So you’ll be able to pick up a total of 70 battle card tickets by the end of this deal.

One thing I’ll never see the end of is the World of Tanks loot, including a captured King Tiger tank and care package Juliett this month. As always, the care package includes one day of premium account bonuses, fifteen premium consumables, ten minutes with five times the XP when you win, a 14-day rental of the M41D and M56 Scorpion, and a discount for both. As it was recently Halloween, you’ll also get a commander called Patrick O’Treat and a Halloween emblem. This deal ends on the 26th of November.

For those into Twitch Sings, something I still don’t understand myself, you’ll want to pick up its latest loot. This time, as you may have heard, it is Halloween themed so you will get a skeleton outfit. This deal is ending on the 14th, so you’ll want to get it soon, rather than when I assume you’ll be dressed as a turkey for no reason.

If you decided to pick up the Rocket League loot last month, you’ll be able to pick up the second pack of four total. If you haven’t, you’ll have to select the first, wait about 27 days, and then you’ll be able to pick up the second and so on. The second pack comes with the TP19 wheels, “Drude” engine audio, and 1 decal for the nemesis battle-car.

If you are a Dauntless player you’ll want to pick up the “scare tactics weapon skin.” This skin for your Repeaters will come with a supply pack of healing items and other assorted in-game consumables. This one ends on the 5th of November, so you will want to be quick here for your Dauntless skin.

If you are looking for a MOBA on mobile devices, (don’t ask me how that works,) you’ll want to get into Mobile Legends Bang Bang, and possibly start picking up the assorted loot coming with it. The first of these drops started between Prime Loot articles, so you have missed the first. The second consists of a Starlight membership, a hero trial card for Lunox and Hanabi respectively, with a skin trail card for both as well as Ash Blossom and Fiery Moth. This second drop ends on the 6th of November, while the third ends on the 20th, and the fourth on the 4th of December. There, that should tide you over.

If you’ve been playing Bethesda’s Wolfenstein: Youngblood, you have probably been playing multiplayer. If you are Twitch Prime subscriber you can get a skin, helmet, weapon skin, hatchet, and knife, all in a nice shade I’d call “well-rusted C3P0.” This is a one-time loot drop and ends on the 30th of December, so you have plenty of time to rust over.

Finally, if you are a League of Legends player, you have probably just come back to us after all those announcements. Nonetheless, you’ll probably want to pick up the second in the Twitch Prime drops, which is just a little legends twin egg. While a bit anticlimactic, the egg comes with a random skin shard token. The Prime deal ends on the 3rd of December.

Now to the games: As I said there are five this month again, and this month’s kicks off with Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition. The fully remastered sequel to the hack-and-slash adventure of Darksiders, to which it’s own remaster was a part of Twitch Prime long ago. This also comes with all of its’ DLC. Of course, we all know the names of the leads (the four horsemen of the apocalypse): War, Death, Howard, and Donald. Here you’ll play as Death; sadly pestilence was busy at a cancer ward.

Next up is Team-17’s Planet Alpha, a game with prettier backgrounds than it deserves. For a side-scrolling platformer, you can tell who had the most free time on their hands in development: the artists. They spent more time detailing leaves about three miles away from the player than anyone spent thinking about what game it is. It basically consists of small thing, big world, jump and move right. It is Limbo if all the color was injected back in it, or Inside if Britain doesn’t go to space.

Speaking of a depressing hell. Sword Legacy: Omen is a turn-based strategy-RPG about getting a sword called Excalibur with your friend Merlin. Yes, it is a retelling of King Arthur, but this time it is some hapless dolt and his merry band of useless trollops with pointy things.

Do you want to go drilling for oil in the 19th century? Try Turmoil, a game about drilling for oil in the 19th century. It is hard to talk at length about a business simulator that simple if I’m honest.

The last game in our list is an action platformer that released earlier this year, Double Cross. A colorful and explosive game that seems to be limited in its interesting ideas. If you are looking for something simple and fun for smaller children, I’d suggest it, but it is hardly complex enough to hold attention.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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