We all know the story of Anthem and the news just keeps coming, as just the other day EA announced that Anthem will be available on Origin Access. Today Bioware has announced that they “are moving away from the Acts structure for updates. Instead, we have additional seasonal updates planned for this year.” This change makes its way after much fan criticism of the core issues that Anthem possesses.
So Bioware has made the decision to move away from post-launch DLC and finally focus on the core issues that made Anthem fail at launch. Issues like poor loading times, brain dead A.I., a mediocre story and a rushed development, name just a few of the problems that faced the once-beloved studio Bioware.
In the blog post, Chad Robertson (head of live services) had this to say “In order to address these long-range plans, we are moving away from the Acts structure for updates. Instead, we have additional seasonal updates planned for this year that we think players will enjoy. These events will deliver challenges and chases similar to what you’ve seen, and are built around some fun themes we’re bringing to the game.” Other than this statement not much more was said on how Bioware was planning on fixing Anthem’s core issues.
I think this is a great plan on Bioware’s part, but I also think it may be a bit late. Anthem came out in February of 2019 and ever since its’ first few months on the market; Anthem has been heavily discounted and saw its’ player base taper off to the point that I would have up to ten minutes to find anyone else to play with. However, I do believe that the fine men and women over in Edmonton have nothing but the best intentions for their struggling game and I would love to one day see Anthem and its’ team receive a bit of respect.
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