2020 is set to be quite an interesting year for games. This is especially true since Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 joins the upcoming roster of games and will be releasing March 2020. Bloodlines is currently available for preorder on Steam and with standard, “Unsanctioned” and “Blood Moon” editions.

For those unfamiliar with the 2004 original, Bloodlines is a choice-driven RPG about vampires with deep character choices and different branching narratives. Though the first game came with it’s fair share of bugs and issues it was patched enough to become a cult classic. After all these years it really isn’t surprising that people are getting excited for the new sequel.


You start out as a Thinblood, a weak vampire without a strong bloodline to get power from. You are hired by a member of a powerful group of vampires to recover information from a member of another vampire clan. You’ll need to grow in strength to get to your true vampire self, before you inevitably join a proper blood clan.

The choices you make, as well as how they affect the story and world around you is the main focus of the game. “We want you to feel good about the choices you’re making,” “We don’t want you to restrict you, like, ‘Did you do the good choice or bad choice?’ You make a choice, and there’s gonna be a possible reaction to that.” says Brian Mitsoda, the Lead Narrative Designer on Bloodlines.

Members of each clan are more suited to certain skills or playstyles than others. Let’s use a Brujah character as an example; the majority of their abilities is focused on being able to physically incapacitate their opponents. A Toreador vampire on the other hand is best skilled in the arts of persuasion and seduction, convincing others to do their bidding for them.


Similarly to the original game, there are various different clans of vampire, including the Malkavians. Confirmed vampire clans also include the Tremere, and the Ventrue clans. It’ll also feature branching narratives and side quests, where you are able to choose which of the vampire factions you align yourself with as well as which ones to antagonize.

You’d be wise to remember the “Masquerade” is in effect at all times in public. For whatever bad actions you do in public they will be there to give you the punishment you deserve. There is also a humanity system where the cleaner your blood source, (more innocent), the more of a monster you’ll become.

Bloodlines 2 is set to have a lot of post launch support as well, which includes a Season Pass, titled The Season of the Wolf. The pass will be included for those who buy the “Blood Moon” edition, but will be also be available separately. It will include two story packs and an expansion to the game. Two new additional clans will also be added post-launch for free.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, is coming Q1 2020 for PC , Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

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Abdul Saad

A videogame addict and writer trying to share his passion.

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