Usually, in cases like this, I would say something about a Mr. Jesus Christ riding a bicycle. However, I think that might upset someone, so let’s stay relevant to what happened this week: Keanu Reeves on a bike! It seems like these free Epic game giveaways are happening a lot, and they are. Back in May when the Epic Games store began its summer sale, they also started a weekly giveaway of games rather than the prior bi-weekly giveaway. However, news of this continuing came stuffed in a press release about Epic’s presence at E3 (specifically the PC Gaming Show ) which was filled with news about all sorts of things, including Shenmue 3.

Nonetheless, that means, if Epic’s phrasing is correct, you’ll be able to pick up twenty-nine games (including this one) between now and December 26th, 2019. That’s a lot of games to be picking up for free, and a lot of articles for me to write. With that I should do as the 13th Doctor says so: “Let’s Get a shift on!

This week’s free game from the Epic Games store is Enter The Gungeon, developed by Dodge Roll, and published by Devolver Digital. Enter The Gungeon is a rogue-like/lite, bullet hell, and dungeon crawler; possibly one of the most spoken about indie titles of the last five years. In the realm of dungeon crawlers and rogue-lite/like’s, it would be next to The Binding of Isaac. So, what makes it different from all the rest? Well, you may have noticed the title being “Gungeon,” which is a pun as you fight bullets, amorphous blobs, ghosts, spiders, birds, birds that rip off their feathers to reveal they are “shredded,” and many more oddities, most with guns.

Enter the Gungeon is one of the few rogue-lite/likes that have a satisfying bite in almost every single way. Every bullet is bright in the dark Gungeon, enemies flop over when dead in just the right way, and flipping the tables is the second best thing next to petting the dog. Much like the aforementioned Binding of Isaac, lots of weapons and items create interesting mixes: The Stinger with a laser sight was a strange one, at first. Then I was trounced by the boss because of the fire-rate to reload-time ratio.

With that being said, I highly recommend picking up your free copy of Enter the Gungeon now on the Epic Games store, available until the 20th of June. On the 20th of June, you’ll be able to pick up Double Damage’s game, Rebel Galaxy.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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