On Thursday during a Live Stream, Bungie revealed it will soon release parts of Destiny 2 for free to all players. This new completely free to play version is called Destiny 2: New Light, and includes the base game and the year one expansion. It will be available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and apparently, Google Stadia.

New Light will be releasing alongside the new DLC Shadowkeep on September 17th. Destiny 2 will also be moving from Battle.net on PC to Steam. The new expansion, Shadowkeep, will be set on the moon and features returning characters from the first Destiny and a new mysterious citadel.

The year one content New Light features mean that you get the vanilla version of Destiny 2 with its original raid, plus its first two content expansions: Curse of Osiris and Warmind – however, you’ll still have to pay for the Forsaken expansion and the annual pass along with it. Although you’ll still be able to visit the locations added in Forsaken, the DLC itself will have to be purchased if you want to play its campaign.

Bungie had this to say describing New Light:

“Destiny 2: New Light, alongside Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, comes as a new way for players to enjoy the game. Destiny 2: New Light is a brand new entry point for newcomers that puts the worlds of Destiny 2 – and all of its foundational modes, activities, and rewards – into the hands of every player, with no barrier to entry. With Destiny 2: New Light, anyone can play Destiny 2, and Destiny 2: Shadowkeep’s a la carte model is the first example of how we’re looking to deliver content to you in the future.”

On the matter of their new DLC, it is noted that Shadowkeep will be a standalone expansion, and you don’t need to own any other Destiny 2 content in order to play New Light. These new methods are meant to make things easier for new and returning players.

Bungie has also announced that Destiny 2 will now include cross-save functionality across all platforms (including Google Stadia), which will sync your progress across all platforms, allowing you to play on any device. There will also no longer be exclusives for certain consoles such as the PS4, so it will be the end for exclusive skins weapons and missions.

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Abdul Saad

A videogame addict and writer trying to share his passion.

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