Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming action RPG that has most CD Projekt Red fans (myself included,) eager for the release date to be announced. While most estimates point to a 2020 release for Cyberpunk 2077, a new rumor going around claims it might launch later this year.

Specifically, the rumor speculates a November 28, 2019 release according to a Slovakian online game store called ProGamingShop. The retailer claims that the game is launching on November 28, 2019. Most dismissed this as a common rumor that is likely false seeing that it is a Thursday and also Thanksgiving Day.

While games usually get released Tuesdays and Fridays, just as CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, released on Tuesday, it would make sense to dismiss such claims. But the rumor has some logic behind it; first of which is the fact that Cyberpunk 2077 has multiple distributors. The distributors are Warner Bros for North America and Bandai Namco for 24 different European countries excluding Slovakia oddly enough. Seeing as how CD Projekt Red have a bunch of distributors it could be possible to see this release date from at least one of them.

Another reason to disbelieve this rumor though, is the fact that CD Projekt Red itself has made no indication that the game is coming in 2019. CD Projekt Red says Cyberpunk 2077 will release when it’s ready; without giving us any further details on its release date (although it is expected to release in 2020.) There is also doubt due to the fact that It has been suggested that Cyberpunk 2077 is coming to the next generation consoles, which are not likely to release before 2020.

So far, nothing discussed has been confirmed or given concrete information; so take this all with a grain of salt. We are still unsure if it will in fact, release this year but we can expect a confirmation announcement at E3 from CD Projekt Red. Even if it doesn’t release this year, these announcements will at least bring more details about the upcoming game.

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Abdul Saad

A videogame addict and writer trying to share his passion.

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