I for one have carved out a nice little niche for myself. I have covered the majority of the free/deal content you can pick up for about a month now here at Phenixx Gaming, and I am back for another. Once again, I am back to reveal another Epic Store freebie for you and today it is Transistor, by Supergiant Games. Supergiant Games previously released Pyre, Hades (their most recent early access game), and their critically acclaimed game, Bastion.

Transistor is a sci-fi action role-playing game, mixed with what is generously called turn-based strategy mechanics, that released in the middle of 2014. I missed playing Transistor upon release, but playing a small tidbit today: I can say, it is different. The way the combat works is, you can do a lot of running away with small sections where you chip away at the room full of enemies. However, if that doesn’t satisfy you, you can use the turn-based system, not too dissimilar to All Walls Must Fall, though you are not stuck to a grid or specific plane of existence. Without turning this too much into a very short review based on a very small play-time: I am intrigued by the story, atmosphere, and everything surrounding Transistor.

However, that intrigue comes with a huge asterisk next to it. With the critical response being so well on the prior game, Bastion, why didn’t this one grab all the headlines? The answer is thus: It is more Bastion. If you are looking for more of the Bastion shaped filling to satisfy you until there is a magic box that creates everyone’s perfect and endless game; Transistor might do it for you. Sure, it is less of a hack-and-slash affair, and visually instead of a beautiful fantasy of the likes of The Witcher; you’ll play in a dystopian nightmare world of the Deus Ex variety, but less depressing.

I’d like to give a higher recommendation on why you should pick up Transistor, however, I’m finding it hard without saying the words Bastion or “It’s free, you can’t complain.” Though I am left in a holding pattern yelling at you, “No, but really it is free. It may not be something you’re excited for but it is free.”

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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