Control 2 Officially Announced

Control was a well-met game when it was released back in 2019. It had all of the best elements that developer Remedy Entertainment is known for and a setting inspired by the likes of the SCP Foundation fiction project. Later DLCs would…

Control Is Free On Epic Games Store

Monday, Devolver announced they’ll be doing a drug-fueled nightmare on Saturday, and Oddworld Soulstorm might be coming to the Xbox Series X/S. By Tuesday, Devolver had announced a game I want to play, and Alexx got a colorful farm sim he wants to play. From Wednesday,…

Max Payne on Steam is a Mess

It may come as no surprise that older games on Steam have some difficulty playing on newer systems. I’ve had frame drops with Bloodrayne II, Bully downright doesn’t work, it’s a standard affair. Usually, this stems from incompatibility between operating systems and…

Control (PS4) Review

Pop Culture has practically built itself on the idea of the unknown. Vampires, werewolves, conspiracies, aliens, and so many other tales are built on this idea. Cryptids and stories about paranormal events are scattered all over Reddit and other sites, so it…