Skully (PC) Review

As some of you may recall, I wrote a preview of Skully, by Finish Line Games, about a month ago. Having been provided with a review code for the full game‘s release, I’ve been giving it a second, more comprehensive look. The first…


When I first learned of CARRION’s existence, I was quite enthralled to see its unique premise as fleshed-out as it was. More than just a gimmick game, taking full control of what would regularly be considered the enemy-held promise to be a…

Underhero (PC) Review

Underhero by Paper Castle Games is a 2D side-scrolling game with RPG and platforming elements. You play as a nameless, masked minion to the kind of cartoony overlord boss most video games ask you to defeat. Underhero plays with and bucks familiar ideas…