Shotgun Cop Man Announced for PC and Switch

Editor’s Note: The Images and Media in this article may contain strong language. Reader discretion is advised. Devolver Digital picks out interesting games to work on. I’m always curious about what they publish, and they’re usually pretty stellar. Things like Gunbrella are…

Blightbound (PC) Review

When your homeland is cursed by a withering blight, who do you intend to call? Three random adventurers who happen to fit bog-standard RPG character archetypes! Okay, I know that’s nowhere near as catchy as the theme song from Ghostbusters, but it’s…

Escape Simulator gets The Talos Principle DLC

The Talos Principle II was a superb continuation of what the original game crafted. Devolver Digital and Croteam did an expert job maintaining a philosophical and engaging puzzle experience. Now, a new collaboration is bringing The Talos Principle to a different kind…

Anger Foot (PC) Review

Devolver Digital is as strong a publisher as ever in 2024, releasing memorable titles like Children of the Sun and Pepper Grinder to merely earmark the first half of 2024. Always managing to find developers with such unique titles and elevating them, it was no surprise…

Devolver Direct 2024 Roundup

The time has come for another Devolver Direct. Anyone familiar with Devolver Digital’s unique spin on their summer presentation knows that this obtuse, left-of-center publisher doesn’t just go from trailer to trailer. Devolver HAS to add a weird spin on every second of…