Nindies Showcase Spring 2019 Highlights

As gamers are becoming increasingly frustrated with AAA developers, their cash grabs, and their buggy products, they are turning to independent developers for their gaming fix. Nowhere is this more apparent than on the Nintendo Switch, which has an absolute ton of…

3 Ways to Improve in Smash Ultimate

For the longest time, I played Super Smash Bros. incredibly casually. I still don’t make it out to tournaments, mostly to avoid being embarrassed by the truly talented, but I have enjoyed taking it a bit more serious. When Super Smash Bros. Ultimate released, I…

The Division 2 is Here to Save Us All

Dynamic resolutions, an exciting world, and all the comfort of a political wasteland turned war zone; We need The Division 2 now more than ever. I will be fully transparent: My hope for The Division 2 is all based on footage, gameplay previews, and…

Satisfactory Alpha Weekend Thoughts

A while ago I would have streamed Factorio and eventually Satisfactory; I am glad I haven’t done so, as I don’t play these games in the most optimal way to appease internet comment sections. If there are grandmasters of Tetris, those that…

Is the Traditional E3 Conference Dead?

E3 used to be the hottest week in gaming and in a lot of ways, it still is. The problem is that more and more developers are opting out of conference presentations. EA announced recently that they’d stop giving traditional conference presentations,…