3 Ways to Improve in Smash Ultimate

For the longest time, I played Super Smash Bros. incredibly casually. I still don’t make it out to tournaments, mostly to avoid being embarrassed by the truly talented, but I have enjoyed taking it a bit more serious. When Super Smash Bros. Ultimate released, I…

The Division 2 is Here to Save Us All

Dynamic resolutions, an exciting world, and all the comfort of a political wasteland turned war zone; We need The Division 2 now more than ever. I will be fully transparent: My hope for The Division 2 is all based on footage, gameplay previews, and…

James Gunn Back to Direct Guardians 3

After being fired for some problematic tweets that resurfaced, James Gunn has been given the reigns once again for the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Right-wing conservative accounts, including Fox News and other GOP-friendly news outlets, were quick to put the…

Satisfactory Alpha Weekend Thoughts

A while ago I would have streamed Factorio and eventually Satisfactory; I am glad I haven’t done so, as I don’t play these games in the most optimal way to appease internet comment sections. If there are grandmasters of Tetris, those that…

Humble Bundle is Offering Grid 2 For Free

A long, long time ago, two generations before now, racing games were still part of the bread and butter of video games. The PlayStation 2 was awash with Need for Speed, Gran Turismo, Midnight Club, FlatOut, Crash Tag Team Racing, TOCA (which…