WoW’s 17th Anniversary Event is Here

Well, folks, it’s mid-November again, and that can only mean one thing: another year has passed since the fantastical realm we know as Azeroth made its presence known the world over. Yes indeed, World of Warcraft’s seventeenth-anniversary event is now upon us.…

BlizzCon 2022 is Now “On Pause”

I present to you a massive understatement: Activision-Blizzard is most assuredly not having a good time of things right now. If you’re somehow unaware of everything that’s happened (and is still in the process of happening) at their corporate headquarters over the…

Free Expansion for Space Crew Announced

Runner Duck Games and Curve Digital, creators of the World War II-era crew management strategy game known as Bomber Crew, have just announced an upcoming downloadable content pack for Space Crew. This DLC, officially entitled Space Crew: Legendary Edition will reportedly include quite…