Arcade Paradise is Free on Epic

Ahh, what a non-stressful week and Northern Ireland didn’t burn on the 12th, but an Orange Man was still shot. Monday, Saudi Arabia has a lot of money, doesn’t it? A screenshot for BioShock 4 is out in the wild, and physics…

The Crust is Now in Early Access

“Automate a lunar base as you become the savior of humanity exploring the future on the moon”? What happened to “Hello,” “My name is,” and other introductions before you took me to the bedroom, VEOM Studio? As you can tell, when I…

Floppy Knights is Free on Epic

A busy week for news, this one. Monday, press X to doubt rumors swirling around former Team Bondi devs, and Critter Crops got a release date. Tuesday, Piranha Bytes was reportedly shuttered and a new studio rose from its ashes, there’s a…

Neo Harbor Rescue Squad Releasing Later This Year

Cook, Serve, Delicious! has a lot to answer for when it comes to adding some quick-time events/mini-games to many indie games, and how they are implemented. Toronto-based developer BancyCo has had moderate success with a number of visual novels/graphic adventures of varying…