Reviews, News, and Editorials from the ashes of a chaotic industry
Author: Keiran McEwen
Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.
When we did the article about what games we’re most excited about in 2025, I made it abundantly clear that I had way more than three options. After a couple of delays, I didn’t want to hedge my bets on Kwalee and…
I swear, if the news is any lighter next week, I’ll start making stuff up just to make the weeks seem more interesting. Wednesday, Blizzard addressed a World of Warcraft DDoS attack that was about as noticeable as fingerprints on the Mars…
Why was it that in the mid-2000s it was seen as conventionally attractive for young men in their 20s to have that childish, American Dennis the Menace, haircut? Directed by Mike Rohl, unless you are a fan of Netflix-budgeted Hallmark-flix, you might…
“New Year, new me,” they say. However, as usual, it is: New Year, and the same people online complaining about yearly releases being similar while expecting a team stretched thinner than their dad in the back of a Honda Civic to pull…
By the 60s, the UK was returning to a decent economy with low unemployment, and Atomfall’s alt-history proposed a somewhat similar time frame. However, the fire at the Windscale nuclear power plant in 1957 seemed to be a bit of a setback;…
Monday, Ted Lasso is getting a 4th season, which some of us are excited and trepidatious about, Oblivion is supposedly getting a remake, for some reason, and Final Fantasy XIV has a new patch coming. Tuesday, Yooka-Replaylee has a gameplay trailer for…
It makes sense, a 15-year-old being attracted to a drug-dealing Robbie Rotten. If I’m honest, this might be the shortest first paragraph of my life, as the production staff aren’t new/refreshing. Directed by Jeffery Levy, he returns from “Many Happy Returns” for…
Ah yes, the Assassin’s Creed that everyone was complaining about because it has a Black guy in Japan, ignoring Nioh’s William Adams being turned Irish. Delayed a few times and noted for controversies beyond “going woke,” Assassin’s Creed Shadows takes the series…
There is a point at which you’ve made not liking a game your entire personality, but even I think Kendrick Lamar is better psychologically than some chronically online people. The people who think Twitter (ram your Chinese letter for sh) is real-life,…
Friday was an emotional day, not just because I was the embodiment of the 10th song from the White Album. The last several months (/years) have been hard on many of us, yet after deciding on a whim to watch a small…