Eco-conservation themes aren’t new in gaming. Truthfully, Final Fantasy VII puts “Save the Planet” in big lights hanging over the party’s head for 100+ hours, and that’s just the original release. Spilled! is a more low-key affair, a simple experience based on a simple idea: cleaning up oil spills.

Spilled! is a short but sweet experience where you play a boat driver. Your only goal is to clean up oil and trash from the waterways. The controls are simple, though as you progress you unlock the ability to pick up sunken barrels, as well as spraying water on various things to clean them or put out fires.

The gameplay is fairly easy to understand, though there are visual tutorial tooltips provided each time you encounter something new. As you progress and clean the waterways, you can upgrade your boat to hold more oil, move faster, or clean things in a wider radius.

My favorite part about Spilled! is that there are 16 cute animals to find and rescue. From frogs to birds and cute cuddly mammals, you’ll be able to rescue a whole menagerie as you play. I love the emphasis on cleaning up the environment since my dad worked on a fishing boat for most of my childhood. The BP Oil Spill impacted a lot of livelihoods, and seeing a game that even semi-references that sort of problem is really important.

Spilled! is a short and sweet experience. It can be completed in as little as an hour, though I took my time and played for about 3, just listening to the gentle music and enjoying the vibes. Short experiences like Spilled! are great, and if the worst thing I can say about a game is that “I want more,” then how can I complain? Check out Spilled! You won’t be disappointed.

A PC Review copy of Spilled! was provided by Lente for the purposes of this review.

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  • Short, but sweet
  • Simple Controls
  • Great Message
  • Fun Gameplay
  • Cute visuals

Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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