With the Steam Next Fest underway, many interesting games have content available to explore. Some games have a firm release date set, while others are farther away. One new demo caught my attention though, specifically for its unique premise.

Deathless Death, created by Dream Delivery Center, puts you in the role of a priest. No, there are no plans for another Vatican scandal, your goal is much more…poignant. What would it be like to guide lost souls? Or more specifically, to have the responsibility of shepherding souls in need of guidance? Here’s what the press release says about Deathless Death.

“Have you ever wondered what it would be like to listen to other’s secrets, hear their confessions, and perhaps grant them a path to redemption? Dream Delivery Center brings this idea to life with Deathless Death. In this narrative puzzle game, players take on the role of a priest, listening to the confessions of four sinners. As you peel back the layers of their words, sifting through lies, fears, and bluffs, you’ll uncover the truth behind their actions.

Deathless Death was originally created for the GCORES BOOOM GameJam and marks the debut of the Dream Delivery Center team. The theme of the game jam, ‘Take Me Somewhere Nice,’ inspired the development, focusing on the idea of entrusting one’s soul to another.

The Deathless Death demo is now available on Steam, including the first three chapters of the full game, offering around 30 minutes of gameplay. In this story, you’ll step into the sacred robe of a priest, hear the confessions of sinners, uncover secrets, and seek the truth.”

While we don’t have a full release date yet, Deathless Death will come out sometime this winter. The game will likely be released on consoles at some point, though that hasn’t been confirmed yet. All we know for now is that you’ll be guiding these four sinners at some point by the end of the year, barring any major delays, on PC. I’m pretty interested in this one, what about you?

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Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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