I’m always happy to see indie games that learn from other successes. Taking inspiration from another game to build something just as interesting is a tough challenge, but an interesting one all the same. Tavern Talk takes the ideas built from Coffee Talk, and tries to add a few things to the formula, some better than others.

Tavern Talk is a visual novel where you play the new owner of the Wayfarer’s Inn, a popular place to gather in the fantasy land of Asteria. As the Tavern-Keeper, it is up to you to get to know your patrons, serve them the potions they need for their next adventure, and listen to various rumors in order to provide quests for your adventurers.

Your patrons are a colorful cast of characters inspired by Tabletop RPG campaigns, but as with any campaign, you must be careful. The potions you brew and serve can alter their fates in large ways, and subjects such as death and violence will not be uncommon. With that being said, there is a fair bit of humor in place as well. I found myself growing attached to certain characters and worrying about where their next adventure would take them.

If adventurers are successful in their quests, they’ll bring back trinkets, some of which you can use to decorate your inn. Also, in your study you’ll be able to piece together information to craft quests, as well as connecting the dots to a larger narrative.

The big thing that I am impressed by with Tavern Talk is how delicately and easily the developers balance the important emotional beats with witty, snappy humor. While the emotional beats have their time to simmer and sit, the humor keeps things from feeling bogged down. Some Visual Novels have a tendency to be unable to balance the two, either being dragged down by depressing narratives, or having humor that feels out of place.

Without getting too deep into the plot or spoilers, I can guarantee that fans of Coffee Talk will enjoy Tavern Talk if they like fantasy or TTRPGs. There’s something incredibly heartfelt about the story and characters, plus the nature of the game itself breeds replay value.

If you want something cozy, fun, and with a side of fantasy and D&D-esque trappings, then Tavern Talk is for you. Visual Novel fans are in for a treat, but folks who just want to sink into a fantasy world with a low-impact gameplay footprint should feel right at home too.

A PC review copy of Tavern Talk was provided by Gentle Troll Entertainment for the purposes of this review.

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Tavern Talk





  • Great art style
  • Great Soundtrack
  • Fantastic Storyline
  • Fun characters and worldbuilding
  • A lot of replay value


  • Non Tabletop fans might not vibe with the story

Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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