Another week, another new character for the Warner Bros. platform fighter. Beetlejuice, the quirky demon from the cult classic 1988 movie will be coming to the game on August 20th. This is no doubt a partial marketing move to promote the upcoming sequel film which will be released in theaters on September 6th.

In the game, Beetlejuice is an assassin-class character who utilizes a variety of insects such as sandworms and beetles to attack the opponent from afar. Once up close Beetlejuice can still inflict pain by shooting spikes from his body or morphing his hands into hammers to pummel the enemy. Unfortunately, Beetlejuice will not be voiced by the legendary Michael Keaton but will instead feature the voice talents of Christopher Swindle.

Alongside this release, a large portion of the roster will receive Beetlejuice-styled costumes as alternate skins. Meanwhile, Beetlejuice himself will receive a Matador outfit. This character will launch as part of the second season Back in Time which also includes characters such as Samurai Jack, horror icon Jason Voorhees, and Agent Smith from The Matrix along with the Looney Tunes character Marvin the Martian.

This season also introduced two new maps, that being the Warner Bros. water tower and Iron Throne Room from Game of Thrones. additionally, ranked gameplay will finally be a core feature this season. Players can now compete with one another in both 1v1 and 2v2 matches. These matches are best of three and are designed to test your team-building skills as you are not allowed to play the same two characters on one team.  Performing well in ranked will reward you with some exclusive seasonal cosmetics. MultiVersus is available now for free download on PC, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PS4/5. The game features full cross play and cross-progression support.

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Edward Harding

I've been playing games since I was a little kid. I have a soft spot for Nintendo titles and RPG's but play all kinds of titles across a variety of platforms. Outside of games I love to play music and practice martial arts. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram as well.

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