To put it lightly, Paradox is having a torrid time. Between being verbally abused for whatever you want to call Cities: Skylines 2 and the cancelation of Life by You which was directed by The Sims 3 director, things are rough. Especially now that Prison Architect 2 has been delayed, not just by a couple of days or weeks, indefinitely.
Set to release in September, the blog post notes: “We will not release Prison Architect 2 on September 3rd because we need more time to improve both the game’s performance and its content. Our continuous internal reviews and beta test groups have highlighted areas that we need to focus on more, mainly performance and content, which we need to address before launch to ensure that you, the players, get a good experience in the game. We need to raise the quality a bit more to meet the standards we’d like to achieve with this sequel.“
The post goes on, after being confident in “new dimensions to the game,” to say, “At this stage, we can’t commit to a new release date as we need to re-assess the scope of the work needed to be done before the game is release-ready. Over the next few months, we will focus on improving the game and building a more robust release timeline. This also means we will be limiting our communication with [players] all until we have a timeline we feel comfortable with.” Finally, a team that understands to shut up and get work done.
If you have pre-ordered Prison Architect 2, which I always try to dissuade for this reason, the post notes, “With this indefinite delay, pre-orders on all platforms will be refunded, and the pre-order items will be added to the base game.“
Originally announced back in January of this year, Prison Architect 2 was set to release in March of 2024 before it was delayed, and again in April. The original developer and the developer who took over the original title following Introversion Software’s departure from the series, Double Eleven also left the project in May, with the new Studio Kokku taking over. This comes weeks after Life by You was canceled and Paradox has reported a 90% drop in profits due to said cancellation, according to
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