Cook, Serve, Delicious! has a lot to answer for when it comes to adding some quick-time events/mini-games to many indie games, and how they are implemented. Toronto-based developer BancyCo has had moderate success with a number of visual novels/graphic adventures of varying styles, including 2012’s Home, 2017’s Alone With You, and 2019’s Worse Than Death. However, the studio’s latest title and style seem to be the most interesting, a paramedic-based title where you’ll play “frantic” mini-games with a “wild, funny story.”

Set to release later this year for PlayStation 4 and 5, as well as PC via Steam, Neo Harbor Rescue Squad puts you in the shoes of a rookie paramedic as they “[j]uggle waves of patients.” With a sort of anime style to it, the press release notes Neo Harbor Rescue Squad is heavily inspired by the Wii and DS era Trauma Center titles, with “challenging mini[-]games so players can feel like a real paramedic.” It is also noted that PlayStation 5 and Steam users will get to experience NHRS in native 4K, with those using a DualSense controller receiving extra feedback from its haptic controls.

This is what the press release states about Neo Harbor Rescue Squad: “The Rescue Squad has long lived in the shadow of the Neo Harbor City’s prestigious Fire Department, but no more! As the team’s new paramedic rookie, players must respond to emergencies throughout the city, deal with difficult patients, and protect the squad’s reputation against the machinations of news reporter Betty Woo!

Players will use a bold, frantic triage system to juggle multiple waves of patients on each call, capturing the urgency, unpredictability, and critical decision-making required of the job in an accessible way. They’ll manage several scenes at once and employ special shields to buy time to strategize, all while the clock is ticking.

Players will also have to master over 50 intense (and sometimes hilarious) treatment mini[-]games to stabilize those patients and keep them from going critical — from performing CPR, stopping nosebleeds, wrapping bandages, using a defibrillator, and so much more!”

Announced on Tuesday, there is no word exactly when Neo Harbor Rescue Squad will be released. However, it is noted in the press release that the window is for later this year. As already said, NHRS will be released on PlayStation 4 and 5 as well as Steam, with no suggestion of an Xbox port at the time of writing.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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