The time has come for another Devolver Direct. Anyone familiar with Devolver Digital’s unique spin on their summer presentation knows that this obtuse, left-of-center publisher doesn’t just go from trailer to trailer. Devolver HAS to add a weird spin on every second of screen time. With Devolver’s 2024 Direct, it’s subtitled Volvy’s 15th Birthday Party. This newfound mascot, who’s apparently been around for 15 turns of the sun, is the focus of a Devolver superfan in this showcase. See what’s announced in this showcase!

Cult of the Lamb gets a hugely requested feature local co-op. In the Unholy Alliance update, available starting August 12th, you won’t have to go it alone in your demon cult anymore. Thanks to Steam’s Remote Play Together feature, this will almost certainly make online co-op a cinch should the host have a solid internet connection. Two years after its release, one of Devolver’s biggest sellers is a gift that just keeps on giving.

Next up is a new trailer for The Crush House, which came with a new demo and a release date of August 9th. Dubbed a “thirst-person shooter”, this dating sim adventure is as tongue-in-cheek as it is bewildering with its implied dark twist. A departure from the Nerial, the makers of Card Shark, my interest was peaked for this oddball title.

It’s hard for a game to instantly sell people, but the headline of “From the designer of Dead Cells” is sure to guarantee some purchases for Tenjutsu. There’s some contention online on how flashy this animated trailer looks compared to the pixelated gameplay. However, the concept of great combat with a city-builder twist is inventive and will be more than good enough for me. No release date for Tenjutsu as this is just a reveal.

Talos Principle II, which was released last year, is getting an expansion in Road to Elysium. A three-part series of mind-boggling puzzles, this downloadable continuance has an impending release date of this week, on June 14th. Yet another Devolver title with an “Overwhelmingly Positive” review score on Steam, this news is sure to please tons of puzzle gamers.

I’ve been aching for a release date for Anger Foot, and it’s now set for July 11th. This FPS is centered around the mechanic of kicking. What is merely a button in games like Duke Nukem and Dark Messiah Of Might and Magic, is a versatile path to victory in Anger Foot. Tack on a banging House soundtrack and this might be one of the best shooters to drop in 2024.

I’m big on art style, and that was the draw for the Hyper Light and Solar Ash titles for me. So that developer, Heart Machine, has now revealed Possessor(s), with little in the way of story being shown, but some captivating combat and traversal on display. This side-scroller will no doubt tantalize fans of the genre when it sees release in 2025.

The overarching psychological thriller of Volvy’s superfan throughout Devolver Direct 2024 was entertaining and brought about some great segues into each trailer. There was no fluff in this brief 20-minute presentation, and with 2/3 of the announcements having release dates in the next two months, it’s a great time to be a Devolver fan.

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Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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