I’m going to get this tired pun out of the way right up front: My fellow World of Warcraft fans, are you ready for some Panda-monium? The WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria event, which allows interested players to level new characters through a remixed version of the Mists of Pandaria expansion, is scheduled to launch today. I’m here to give you a brief rundown of what this event is. If there are any parts of it that I don’t mention or that you want to learn more about, I’ll include links to further reading about this extravaganza where appropriate.

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria is scheduled to begin at 10 AM Pacific Time today, May 16, 2024. The event will be simultaneously launched globally, so you can play whenever your regional equivalent of that time arrives. WoW Remix’s end date has not yet been officially confirmed by Blizzard at the time of writing; however, Wowhead reports that according to an in-game calendar found within the current alpha testing client of The War Within, the WoW Remix event will conclude at 4 PM Pacific Time on Monday, August 19, 2024. What can you expect from the WoW Remix festivities, then?

Well, you’ll create characters for this event that are entirely separate from your existing “retail” World of Warcraft characters. Any characters you create to play during this event (called “Timerunners”) will be able to level from 10 to 70 at a much faster pace through the Mists of Pandaria expansion. The catch, at least for now, is that any Timerunning characters you create are exclusive to this event. In other words, you can’t play any Timerunners in the current version of retail WoW or transfer any of your existing WoW characters into WoW Remix.

However, when WoW Remix ends, all Timerunning characters you created during it will become playable in retail WoW with their levels, gear, and any limited-time and event-specific goodies they earned during WoW Remix all coming along with them. Most rewards you can earn in WoW Remix are account-wide, so all your characters will have access to them once WoW Remix has ended. Since the maximum level in WoW Remix is 70, this also means any Timerunners you get to that level will be ready for even more action as soon as The War Within releases.

Timerunning characters aren’t restricted to only class and race combinations that were available when Mists of Pandaria was current, either. You can play through WoW Remix as a Demon Hunter, an Evoker, and all Allied Races you’ve unlocked in addition to each faction’s so-called “core races.” What’s more, if you reach at least level 50 on a Timerunning character whose racial Heritage Armor set you haven’t yet unlocked, you’ll be able to earn those sets with former Timerunning characters once WoW Remix comes to an end. All classes will use their allotment of spells, abilities, and talents available to them in Dragonflight.

When you create your first Timerunning character, you’ll go through a short introductory quest chain. This is when you’ll be given your “Cloak of Infinite Potential,” which is a piece of equipment that will grow in power alongside you and provide you with massive bonuses to your stats and the rate at which you gain experience. You can empower your cloak by adding Threads to it, which you can acquire from virtually all activities in WoW Remix. A couple of examples of this are looting nearly any mobs in Pandaria and opening Caches of Infinite Treasures you’ll frequently receive as quest rewards.

The more Threads you add to your Cloak of Infinite Potential, the more powerful your character will become and the faster you’ll level up. The limits on your characters’ stats in WoW Remix are very high as the entire idea of this event is to make your characters ridiculously overpowered. There are also achievements you can earn from adding Threads to your cloak; earning these achievements will allow increasing portions of your strongest character’s power to be copied to any subsequent alt characters you create so that your alts will have even more of an advantage from the get-go.

There are some notable restrictions on what you can do during WoW Remix, though. A few examples of these are as follows: All Professions except for Fishing will be disabled during this event; players will not be able to use the Auction House; and, most significantly, Timerunning characters cannot leave Pandaria by any means. Due to this, the portals to Stormwind and Orgrimmar that would ordinarily exist will be disabled, Mages cannot teleport themselves or their allies to any cities outside of Pandaria, and so on. You’ll have to remember these limitations as you progress through your Timerunning campaigns.

Since the inability to leave Pandaria would normally prevent Death Knight characters from Runeforging their weapons, however, Death Knight characters in WoW Remix will reportedly have the ability to Runeforge their weapons anywhere in Pandaria at any time. Speaking of transportation, flying mounts and Dragonriding will be available to all Timerunning characters immediately. There will be Dragonriding trainers available in the remixed version of Pandaria for those who need them. The only locations where flying won’t be permitted are the Isle of Thunder, the Isle of Giants, and the Timeless Isle, as was the case when Mists of Pandaria was current.

As you play through WoW Remix, you’ll earn an event-specific currency called Bronze. The most notable way you can spend Bronze is in order to obtain limited-time goodies like mounts, transmog sets, and other things of that nature. Players will be able to purchase recolored versions of mounts from Mists of Pandaria that have never been obtainable before, as well as mounts that were particularly difficult and/or time-consuming to acquire when Mists was current. There are vendors in each zone in Pandaria who offer you guaranteed ways of nabbing these rewards in exchange for the Bronze you’ll collect.

You can also spend Bronze to upgrade the gear you want your character to keep using for a while. If you receive any gear drops you don’t want (which Blizzard claims is rather unlikely), you can easily convert those items into Bronze as well. Additionally, you’ll notice as you level up that the gear you acquire will have sockets for gems. There are various types of gems in WoW Remix that grant your character such things as powerful offensive and defensive abilities, absurdly high amounts of stats, and even movement and utility abilities from other classes. You can read more about these gems and their powers here.

I think that just about covers it, folks! I should mention that you don’t need to purchase Dragonflight or The War Within expansions to participate in the WoW Remix event. All you need is an active subscription to retail WoW and/or any active game time on your account. However, if you’re interested in trying the event but unsure if you want to shell out the money for a subscription, WoW trial accounts can also play through the WoW Remix event up to character level 20. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a Timerunning marathon to prepare for.


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David Sanders

David Sanders is, at his core, a man who's just trying to get through his game backlog before the heat death of the universe, and yet can't seem to stop adding to said game backlog. He greatly enjoys many different varieties of games, particularly several notable RPGs and turn-based strategy titles. When he's not helping to build or plan computers for friends, he can usually be found gaming on his personal machine or listening to an audiobook to unwind.

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