Playing through entire games that hone in on one singular mechanic sounds like a recipe for tedium. However, if done right and with enough variety, it can make for a timeless experience that lives on in the minds of gamers rent-free. In the case of Surmount, this mechanic entails climbing up high, all while balancing the stamina meter – a staple in modern games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild or even the recent Little Kitty, Big City. What is a minor portion of other titles comes completely fleshed out and engaging enough to be the basis for the entirety of Surmount. Is this climbing trek worth every step?

Aside from its climbing, Surmount is indelible thanks to its presentation. Many a “cozy game” or “wholesome game” have come to delight players with a relaxed, quirky layout, and this experience is front-and-center in Surmount. Polygonal characters and jibber-jabber gibberish voice acting notwithstanding, the humor from mucking about on the mountain is enhanced by a whimsical tone and dialogue that manages to bust my gut more than once. The ongoing frustrations of a tough climb were soothed by the hysterics at play – it’s hard to stay mad at Surmount for more than a minute even if you feel like you’re stuck.

Though perhaps part of the charm of Surmount lies in getting stuck. After all, a climb is a marathon, not a race, and some of Surmount‘s mountains are no joke. You’ll have to adapt to certain techniques like swinging to get serious momentum, but with that comes a serious blow to the allocated stamina. Thankfully, there are pikes to rest and regain stamina on in your journey. One-use items can also give you the edge right before you fall, such as a rocket jump or even permanent stamina boosts giving you more of a chance.

As the entirety of my time was spent in co-op using Steam’s Remote Play Together feature, this was a double-edged sword of sharing a line as we learned the game’s strategies and secrets together. It was a blast and my partner and I made each other laugh nearly nonstop due to the antics we could pull. With no penalty for running out of stamina and no lives to worry about, the high-octane swinging left us without fear of failure. When we weren’t spending time on the climb, there are basecamps to visit to mix up your appearance with unlockable cosmetics.

Simply put, Surmount is a laugh riot and a blast to master. Some aspects are way more challenging than others and some summits will only be reached by perfect climbers, but messing about with the game’s hilarious physics and finally hitting that well-deserved checkpoint is a true triumph. It’s sad to see this one go under the radar as it’s the first game I’ve played in 2024 that truly wowed me and surpassed expectations. This is so easy to recommend for anyone even passing a glimpse and liking what they see at a nice low price of $14.99.

A PC review copy of Surmount was provided by Popagenda for the purposes of this review.

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  • Makes the Most of One Mechanic
  • Adorable Aesthetic
  • A Riot in Co-op


  • Some Ledges Too Tough

Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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