The final content update for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is almost here, fellow denizens of Azeroth. Since this is considered a “minor” update in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t bring anything particularly meaty to the table like a new raid or the start of a new season. However, I strongly suspect that this patch will add at least one or two new features to World of Warcraft that will catch your eye. I’d like to briefly run through much of what is currently known about this upcoming content patch so you’ll know what to expect when it arrives.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7, officially titled “Dark Heart,” is currently scheduled to go live on North American servers on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. The first feature coming in this update that you might find noteworthy is that “Dark Heart” will add Heritage Armor sets for Darkspear Trolls and non-Lightforged Draenei, the final two so-called “core races” that had yet to receive their Heritage Armor. Both of these sets come in two different color variations which can (presumably) be applied interchangeably. If you’d like to see how these sets look in-game, you can view them in Wowhead’s model viewer here.

Next, there’s a quality-of-life update for all you Hunter players out there. The Pet Stable system used by Hunters will get some user interface changes alongside the “Dark Heart” patch. A few of these alterations are as follows: Hunters can now assign certain pets as “favorites,” which will move them to the top of the pet list; pets can now be renamed directly through the Stable interface without the need for those consumable “Certificate of Renaming” items; and Hunters can now dismiss pets through this interface without needing to summon those pets first. The full list of changes can be found here.

That brings me to the part of Patch 10.2.7 that I’m personally most excited about. This update contains what Blizzard calls the “WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria” event. This is a limited-time extravaganza in which interested players will create new characters entirely separate from their “retail” WoW accounts and level from 10 to 70 at a much faster pace through the Mists of Pandaria expansion. You’ll be able to relive the stories, scenarios, dungeons, and raids from Mists of Pandaria with many new twists and bonuses. What sorts of bonuses and twists, you might ask?

Firstly, as you level through this remixed version of Mists, you’ll obtain and equip a “Cloak of Infinite Potential.” This cloak will grow in power alongside you and will provide you with, among several other significant bonuses, a massive boost to the rate at which you gain character experience. That’s the main reason you’ll be able to get from level 10 to 70 so quickly during these festivities. Secondly, you’ll have much higher chances of getting appropriately powerful gear from quests, dungeons, raids, and things of that nature. Blizzard claims there will be “no such thing as a bad drop” during this event.

Speaking of gear, one of the main new twists during the Remix event is that if you happen to get any gear drops you don’t want, you can easily convert those items into a new, event-specific currency called Bronze. You can spend Bronze to upgrade the gear you want to keep using and to purchase account-wide cosmetic goodies. This event will also feature vendors who offer guaranteed ways to acquire things like rare mounts and toys from back when Mists of Pandaria was current, as well as recolors of mounts and transmog sets from that point in WoW’s history.

Here’s what I personally think is the best feature about this WoW Remix event: When it ends, all characters you created and played within this event will be moved over to your “retail” WoW account with all their gear, mounts, toys, account-wide cosmetics, event-exclusive achievements, and other limited-time goodies in tow. What’s more, since the level cap in the WoW Remix event is 70, every character you get to max level in the remixed version of Pandaria will be ready for action as soon as the next expansion, The War Within, releases.

There you have it, folks! I want to emphasize one last note in closing, however. Even though the “Dark Heart” update is scheduled to launch on May 7th, 2024, in North America, the WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria event will not begin until nine days later, on May 16, 2024. At the time of writing, there’s no word I’m aware of as to how long the Remix event will be available. With all of that said, I hope to see many of you in Azeroth on patch day as we await the launch of The War Within!


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David Sanders

David Sanders is, at his core, a man who's just trying to get through his game backlog before the heat death of the universe, and yet can't seem to stop adding to said game backlog. He greatly enjoys many different varieties of games, particularly several notable RPGs and turn-based strategy titles. When he's not helping to build or plan computers for friends, he can usually be found gaming on his personal machine or listening to an audiobook to unwind.

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