You may have noticed the latest season of Fortnite has a Greek Mythology theme. While not part of Greece’s rich storytelling history, The Legend of Korra features similar influences from things like nature, the elements, and supernatural powers. If you have the latest Battle Pass, you can unlock a ton of great Legend of Korra items, including in-game accessories fans of the popular series will love to collect. Here’s a look at what to expect!
The presence of Korra in the latest season of Fortnite brings fun challenges and in-game features. Pick up the Mythic Waterbending technique to hurl sharp, icy projectiles at opponents. With this technique in your inventory, your health will steadily restore up to 100 while you’re in water. It also allows you to swim faster when using water to traverse the map. Another great addition to the game are the Korra quests, offering players with the Battle Pass things like back bling, gliders, and the great loading screen pictured above.
As always, the update brings some fun options in terms of changing how you play. An interesting aspect of Waterbending is the fact that it reloads without any point of running fully out of power. Unlike things like Zeus’ Lightning Bolt, there is a seemingly limitless ability to shoot water and use it to regenerate health while swimming. This can make it a highly useful Mythic item. The only hesitancy I have in using it significantly in my strategy is that I can usually deal damage more effectively in other ways, but it’s not bad to play around with when needed.
If you have the Myths & Mortals Battle Pass, the Korra Quests are available now in the “Quests” tab! The Quests will remain available until May 24, 2024, at 2 AM ET. Let us know your thoughts on the latest IP collaboration in Fortnite and how you’re utilizing the new Mythic item.
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