Steam sales have been a delight for more than a decade, ringing in new seasons with massive savings as players continue to grow their backlogs after being tempted by savings of up to 90% off on games on their wishlist. From indie hidden gems to AA game-of-the-years, just about everything will see a sale on the Steam store at some point. One such franchise that usually gets a sale is Yakuza, but this time around, there’s a seriously tempting deal to secure Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza Kiwami 2, Yakuza 3 Remastered, Yakuza 4 Remastered, Yakuza 5 Remastered, and Yakuza 6: Song of Life all for $41.94.
If you’re concerned about the price in any way, aggregating all seven of these titles on signifies that even if you focus solely on story missions (a mistake if you miss out on this franchise’s amazing side content), you’ll be spending at least 159 hours as the Dragon of Dojima. Meddle with the side content and you’re looking at 302 and a half hours, and completionists can guffaw at spending 714 hours, or almost 30 days of their life, completing this franchise. Truly, in an hours-to-dollars ratio, this is one of the best deals you can make use of on the entire Steam store.
So much more than action beat-em-ups, the Yakuza games are a deep dive into Japanese culture, expeditions of over-the-top comedy, and a look into the life of one of gaming’s best protagonists in Kazuma Kiryu. Players keen on playing through all seven games will witness one of the most profound and fleshed-out character developments in gaming.
With the series as strong as ever, this should be an easy sell for anyone relatively interested. The Yakuza Collection is set to be on sale until February 15th, and if you’re apprehensive about investing all $40, you can always start off with Yakuza 0 as it’s on sale for a measly $6.99.
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