Monday, it turns out LEGO is more popular than Fortnite. Tuesday, only days after The Day Before‘s release, Fntastic disappeared, and Jagged Alliance 3 got a rather large update. Wednesday, E3 is dead, long live E3, and HunterX got a sequel. Thursday, Steam said to stop huffing the smell of burning thermal paste, and the internet said “challenge accepted,” while News Tower got a release date for its early access launch next year. Wow, and I didn’t even mention my crusade against UPS and their terrible track record delivering to me, I must be in a good mood, or heavily medicated.

Moving on to the play about pieces of feces, Epic has kicked off its Winter Sale and thus the mystery games have returned, but in a weird way. As stated on the blog post noting the latest sale, while in previous years it has been 15 free games, this year it is “17 free games, and free cosmetics for everyone.” If we go by the song, that’s a whole lot of ladies dancing. Jokes aside, with the sale you get a coupon for buying anything $14.99 or above and you get 33% off.

However, with the current system Epic operates on and its Epic rewards and Winter Sale thing, the coupon is limitless throughout the sale. I think it also gives you a little back too, if I’m right in my quick number crunching. Though that’s not what you are here for, you are here for the free game that was available from Wednesday, aren’t you? Well, it is certainly a thing I have nothing nice to talk about: Currently, you can pick up Destiny 2: Legacy Collection, which includes items from the free-to-play title’s expansions such as “The Witch Queen,” “Beyond Light,” and “Shadowkeep.”

Most of this week you can pick up Destiny 2‘s Legacy Collection free on the Epic Games Store until the 20th, when I assume we kick in the daily cycle until the week heading into January 10th. We have no idea what the next game/free-to-play crap might be. Everyone’s speculation last week was wildly off, so I’m not attempting it again this week. Maybe next week we’ll have to do two of these, who knows? Certainly not I, and I have been covering this nonsense since 2019. You’d think there would be some stability I could cling to.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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