I’ve been a Kingdom Hearts fan since the original game was released on the PlayStation 2. While some might call its plot insane and convoluted (I wouldn’t disagree completely) I’ve always been enthralled by the concept of the series and the execution of its ever-evolving gameplay.
Last year alongside Kingdom Hearts 4, Square Enix announced Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link, a mobile “GPS Action RPG” that I imagine will function somewhat like Pokemon Go. It is intended to have a real-world component though players will enjoy an original story and fight the Heartless as they progress.
A new trailer dropped as of this morning (October 30th), which teased more about the game. The trailer also revealed that Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link will be released in 2024 on iOS and Android devices. There are also Closed Beta sign-ups available for various regions so that people who want to try and get in can have a chance to check out the game.
So far, the Closed Beta tests are only available in the United Kingdom and Austria, but if you’d like to check it out you can sign up on the official website. Recruitment will run until November 19th, so you have a bit of time. Personally, while I am a fan of the Kingdom Hearts franchise, GPS-focused games haven’t been accessible to me with my mobility issues.
Hopefully, Square Enix will think of a way to compensate for this with Missing Link so that people with various disabilities will still be able to enjoy the game. Spinoff titles have always had implications for Kingdom Hearts’ overarching storylines so this is an important thing for fans who still want to know what is going on moving forward. While this side story might not have a huge impact on the larger meta-narrative, being inaccessible to a larger group will become a problem.
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