Monday, Sony added wonderful soundtracks to music streaming platforms. Tuesday, the Fallout series got an air date, many months ahead of release, unlike Doctor Who, and Magic is crossing over with Marvel after Doctor Who did this last month. Wednesday, the comic book turned animated show Invincible is getting a game in a couple of weeks, and Galaga (and Galaxian) will be playable arcade version on a screen smaller than a 1980s TV. Thursday, finally (The Rock hasn’t come back) Doctor Who‘s 60th specials have an air date. Praise Jeebus!

Moving on to the Epic Games Store for this week, we’ll start with a recent repeat from Prime Gaming, Tandem: A Tale of Shadows. As Alexx said back in 2021, not long after its release, it has some ideas going for it similar to how Alan Wake always talks about Stephen King. However, it doesn’t capitalize on everything it has to become satisfying. Playing as Emma, you effectively are a tool for your teddy Fenton to move through a 2D-platformer space as Emma moves in a top-down 3D space. It is hard to sell Tandem when it repeatedly comes back for me to write about and progressively gets duller every time I have to.

How about a smashed-together abomination and a couple of repeats from Sebastian Castellanos’ previous adventure into a Shinji Mikami-led world? This time the RE4 director takes up a producer’s seat while John Johanas, who would go on to direct Hi-Fi Rush, takes up the director’s chair.

It is a bit campy in that it is about a super mega evil corporation (spin the wheel) is using VR to create the Matrix. They are also using Sebastian’s daughter who survived something horrible because Evil Corp wanted her brain power, something something, here is more horror again. Laissez-faire in terms of reinvention, but it works, and The Evil Within 2 is all right as far as horror goes.

All this week you can pick up The Evil Within 2 and Tandem: A Tale of Shadows until the morning of the 2nd of November. Moving on to next week, it is another repeat, two in fact, and one of which you may already have. F.I.S.T: Forged In Shadow Torch is a side-scrolling Metroidvania with cybernetically-enhanced anthropomorphized creatures and you probably already have it on Epic. The whiskey chaser on this one is a colorful RPG we can all learn a lesson from, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion. If you can’t tell, I like one of those, and somehow it is the RPG.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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