Game soundtracks are a hit-and-miss with me. I turn the music down so it doesn’t overpower the mix while I’m in the middle of the big action scenes, it sits in the mix but not too loud it commands the scene for itself. One soundtrack I will never turn down, and possibly even turn up the volume for, is Kow Otani’s masterful accompaniment to the sometimes misunderstood Shadow of the Colossus. Others might prefer Kohei Tanaka’s gorgeous work on Gravity Rush. or as Alexx pointed out, Michiko Naruke’s energetic and quite 90s JRPG-sounding soundtrack for Wild Arms.

I’m not just throwing out random names to excite, it is part of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s effort to bring some of your favorite soundtracks to streaming platforms like Spotify. Currently, there is no word if/when they will appear on Apple Music or other music streaming platforms, but it would make sense to do so at some point. Pointed out by AniPlaylist on Twitter, the three already mentioned games are joined alongside the likes of the Popolocrois series of games, Soul SacrificeFantavisionWhite Knight Chronicles (series), Freedom Wars, and more.

Previously there have been iterations by fans uploaded and available through Spotify of some of these titles, specifically Shadow of the Colossus. While they are not listed under the composer’s name, you can enjoy some truly stunning soundtracks while cleaning, doing work, or whatever you want to do while listening to “蘇生” (Resurrection in English). I can’t say enough nice things about the Shadow of the Colossus soundtrack, as I am sure many feel about some of the other titles finally available. Go check out SIE Sound Team on Spotify and enjoy some fantastic original soundtracks from some great games.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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