Monday and Tuesday, nothing happened because we’re all too busy covering the six billion reviews that need to be done as every game ever now releases in October. Wednesday, it is October, which means it is legal to talk horror (to my chagrin) and Anime: The Free-to-Play Video Game (no, the other one) has finally come to PS5. Thursday, someone needs to tell Dambusters that Malibu is in LA County, and the misspelled House DLC (an angry doctor DLC would be hilarious) is about as adventurous as going to the end of your street and shouting at the kids one block over.

I’m going to make this short and sweet this week, but Epic isn’t making it easy for me. We’ll start with the multiplayer title, as that’s what I’ve got the least to say about. First is Blazing Sails which I still think is a great name for pirates that run a weed business. Instead, it is an attempt to be Sea of Thieves with somehow both more and less direction. It wants to be a treasure-hunting adventure with battle royale elements. However, it struggles to tell you what it is or what it will be without glancing over at Rare’s homework.

Moving on to the other two games we have the Q.U.B.E. Ultimate Bundle, a game series that is quite literally “let’s do Portal but not make it witty, or interesting.” It features the 10th-anniversary version of the first game, which includes the director’s cut from 2014 with over 100 puzzles and 4-6 hours of gameplay. That’s not all though, as you also get Q.U.B.E. 2 Deluxe Edition, which includes 22 puzzles from the DLC. If you just want a simple puzzle game that pokes that Portal portion of your protruding mind, it is fine. However, after playing the likes of Cocoon, I’ve had my fill of puzzles.

All this week, you can pick up Q.U.B.E. Ultimate Bundle and Blazing Sails on the Epic Games Store until the morning of the 19th of October. What is available next week when I’m up to my eyeballs in stress getting reviews out? Once again, it is October so to give you something worth playing this “spooky season” you’ll be able to play Tango Gameworks and Shinji Mikami’s great The Evil Within. Just because well enough can’t be left alone, you also have a first-person story-driven puzzle title that visually looks like a nightmare known as Cosmonaut Studios’ Eternal Threads. I don’t even think it’s a tie-in to the horrific Mick Jackson film.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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