Monday, apparently nothing happened in the news. Especially if you ignore the Xbox leaks, which are about as surprising as finding out your uncle said something about the gays and the theys recently. Tuesday, MechWarrior 5: Clans is a thing that’s apparently happening and sounds really boring. Almost as boring as Dungeon Golf, which is now in Early Access. Wednesday, again apparently nothing happened so maybe check out a review for Starfield or Stray Gods. Thursday, Gas Station Sim is swapping aliens for gods in a tropical paradise, and Assassin’s Creed Mirage PC requirements are here, apparently.

Let’s move on to what is available on the Epic Games Store this week before my mood turns even more sour at the thought of having to talk about Out of Line again for too long. It is a very nice-looking puzzle platformer that generally reviews well following its 2021 release. If you’ve followed our Prime Gaming articles through its several renames, you’ll probably already have Out of Line. It is hardly a bad game by any stretch, but it is hardly lighting a fire to make me (and I assume most) want to play it in the first place.

Moving on to the second game in this week’s double bill, it is another one of those obscure, artsy puzzle games like Gris that are popular in the indie sphere. Released last December on Steam we have The Forest Quartet, which isn’t about Hurley or a sequel to that really boring survival horror thing that people with facecams shout at. Maybe I’m just not in the mood for how slow and ambling something like The Forest Quartet really is for its short runtime. However, much like Out of Line, it is favorably reviewed and overall liked by most. However, it is hardly the most exciting thing you could find to play this week.

All this week, you can pick up The Forest Quartet and Out of Line on the Epic Games Store until Thursday, the 28th of September. Next week’s double bill seems like two games that might just fall within my purview. Starting us off will be Moonlit S.A.’s “mundane” Model Builder, which is generally a lot more favored than the likes of The Repair House from earlier this year. Quickly following that up is Reply Games Studios’ year-old (as of this week) hack-and-slash dark fantasy title, Soulstice. You know, maybe I won’t want to put someone through a brick wall next week.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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