Telltale more than proved that they were back in high fashion as The Expanse: A Telltale Series‘ Episode One was released two weeks ago. After a brief wait, it’s time to see if the quality has been retained. In the past, I’ve tended to like subsequent episodes vastly more than the first one or two just because the stakes seem to be higher, the characters more fleshed-out, and the rising action leads to a boiling point or a plot twist that occupies my headspace far past turning off the game. Does the trend continue? Check out yesterday’s review of Episode One first before we get started.
When I completed Episode One of The Expanse: A Telltale Series, it streamlined straight into Episode Two after I reviewed my choices. I noticed on Telltale’s social media that the launch evening was not without its issues across all three platforms, but the day after, there were no kinks to work out for me. Within the first minute, my choices from the previous episode came into play. In a Telltale game, every choice is made for a reason, and this principle still holds true after all these years. As such, from this point on, you’ll have to consider choices you’ve already made in addition to their long-lasting effects for the future.
It wasn’t long before I got to enjoy my favorite part of The Expanse: A Telltale Series: exploring in more zero-gravity. I can’t get enough of scouring derelict ships with full control over point A to point B. I made sure to go everywhere I possibly could before focusing on the main objective. If the whole game was like this, I’d be in heaven, but I’m also more than content with walking when need be. The main ship is simple to traverse and there are great conversations to be had as you learn more and more about your crew now that you’ve assumed the role of captain.
After you are done exploring in Episode Two of The Expanse: A Telltale Series, you’re tasked with avoiding the pirates that committed the atrocity in Episode One. This includes using what you’ve learned in expeditious movement in zero-grav to avoid lasers that mean instant death. This might be the most challenging part of the game so far, as the lenient quick-time event windows are a breeze. However, this area will demand you to not make a mistake or it’s game over, man. Then there is one more turret section and you’re headed home for some much-deserved rest.
It’s at this juncture in The Expanse: A Telltale Series that your investigation skills are most needed. If you collected the right materials in Episode One and peeked around past the beaten path in Episode Two, you’ll respectively learn about the past of your team’s pilot and the medic/cook. With one story-altering choice to make closing out the episode, you’re left to wonder what comes next as an ominous event creates this episode’s cliffhanger. While I wish there was more than one big thing to influence the rest of the game, I’m content with the hour-or-so of gameplay Episode Two brings. I look forward to playing more two weeks from now.
A PlayStation 5 review copy of The Expanse: A Telltale Series was provided by Telltale Games for this review.
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