There’s a lot happening in the world of Pokemon right now. After the success of the latest mainline games last year, the company and IP have been riding the Scarlet and Violet momentum through 2023. A few known projects that are on the way will likely be the focus of a new event coming this week. While we don’t know the schedule for this week’s event, The Pokemon Company is sharing a Pokemon Presents event this week on August 8th. Here’s an idea of what we might see featured.
There are a few projects in the works that will likely be the focus of the August 8th Pokemon Presents event. Streaming live from the official Pokémon YouTube channel at 9am EST, we will likely get a new look at the upcoming Scarlet and Violet DLC, “The Teal Mask.” This is part one of a two-part DLC titled “The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero,” and is set to come out this fall. If we’re lucky, we might even get a release date. Part Two, “The Indigo Disk,” does not have a release window, but maybe that’s coming this week too.
I won’t be surprised if we see a bit more of Detective Pikachu Returns. This series, first launched on the 3DS, is a fun point-and-click style detective game within the world of Pokemon. My favorite thing about the first game, other than the incredible film it led to, is how immersive the world of Pokemon felt. We know the game is coming on October 6th, so another trailer or gameplay deep-dive would definitely make sense.
Of course, the event isn’t limited to games. In the official press release, we are told we’ll get updates to “the brand” of Pokemon, so TCG players and anime fans might have something to look forward to as well. We’ll be sure to update you on what is announced and revealed during this event right here on Phenixx Gaming!
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