As a full-blown convert to Fortnite thanks to Zero Build Mode, I’m always excited when a new event starts in-game. After the fantastic Attack on Titan content and wonderful time spent with Star Wars challenges, we’re onto a new event featuring Miles Morales and Spider-Man 2099. As part of the upcoming press push for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Here’s what you can expect to find when you take on the challenges and how to obtain two skins of the web-slingers. Oh, and good news, the web shooter is back and more fun than ever.

Skins for both Miles Morales and Spider-Man 2099 are available in the Item Shop. That does mean instead of earning the characters via gameplay you will be spending 1,500 V-Bucks on these looks. It’s about the same cost most special event skins cost and both are paired with an included back bling and a not-included pickaxe as well. Miles Morales is already tempting, but a Spider-Ham mallet is just too good to pass up and worth 1,000 V-Bucks. Spider-Man 2099’s option is the 928 Axe at 500 V-Bucks.

In-game, you will find a variety of challenges including using the returning web shooters to traverse the Season Four map. One of the tougher challenges, even though it might sound easy, is finding Gwen Stacy. You’ll be told to head to Slappy Shores, but her location on a rooftop in that area changes every game. Keep an eye out while you’re landing to make this an easy process.

Knock out all of the challenges and you’ll earn the Silk & Cologne (EI8HT version) Lobby Track. This song is also featured in the film, which is a nice touch as opposed to a throwaway song for the game only. The Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse event is live now so make sure to swing in and earn your XP and rewards! Let us know what you think about the event in the comments.

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