Like many other people, over the weekend I worked on Diablo IV’s Server Slam, wanting to test out how they had changed the classes after the previous beta test. This time, I was focused on getting the Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy, earned from defeating the world boss Ashava. However, in fighting Ashava twice, I noticed some serious issues with this system and the limitations of the Server Slam. So, let’s get into it.

Now, before we go into the full details here, I need to give you some context. I fought Ashava twice, the first time on World Tier II (the harder mode) and the second time on (the easier mode) World Tier I. Because the Server Slam beta was capped at level 20, and Ashava herself was level 25, this was already a difficult setup. I played a Sorcerer, which wound up being great for me because I was (most of the time) at a distance from the boss.

However, I know several people who missed out on the boss because Blizzard’s servers locked them out right before the boss fight began. If you didn’t make it to the fight before it started, you were unable to participate. Additionally, the boss fight had a 15-minute timer, so if you didn’t kill Ashava (with your group) at the end of the 15 minutes, she would flee, and you’d get nothing.

I fought Ashava on World Tier II with two friends of mine, and a group of around 10-12 people total. We killed the boss with about 3 minutes or so left on the clock. However, Ashava was killing us all in one hit, and some of us (myself included) spent a fair bit of time resurrecting other players rather than attacking the boss, simply so we’d have enough people overall to fight her.

This was also complicated by the fact that when you die, you get the option to resurrect back at your last checkpoint (usually a town). However, if you do so, it is very unlikely that you’ll be able to get back to the boss before the time is up. Unless you teleport to a party member, you’ll likely wind up in a whole other group entirely. I knew this ahead of time thanks to a friend running into this issue, but since the game doesn’t tell you that outright, I heard about several people being unable to kill Ashava due to members of their group disappearing.

Instead of restarting at the checkpoint, you’re meant to let people resurrect you. However, Ashava jumps around, sometimes staying on top of your corpse (if you die from her attacks) for long periods, making it risky to resurrect you. This wasn’t much of an issue until the second time I fought her, but several players died trying to resurrect other players over the course of the fight. Additionally, the game doesn’t tell you how to resurrect other players at all, so it is something you have to figure out in the midst of things.

What struck me as odd, is that on World Tier I, just like in World Tier II, Ashava killed me (and other players) in one hit. We wound up not killing Ashava on World Tier I because there were so many of us dead at one point that it took a tremendous effort to resurrect enough people to deal damage to the boss. Also, I couldn’t see a clear difference in damage amounts that I was doing from Tier I to Tier II.

We ultimately ran out of time to defeat Ashava during the World Tier I fight. However, this led me to several conclusions. For one, Ashava’s damage was either tuned too high for World Tier I, or her defense was tuned too high across the board. Technically both could be true, because I saw no difference in my damage output between Tier I and Tier II, even though logic dictates that I should have done more damage on Tier I.

Alternately, if they wanted to keep her defense at the level it is, then they needed to extend the timer to 20 or even 30 minutes. Since the World Boss arrived every 3 hours, there would be no harm in giving people extra time. Between Ashava being over-tuned, a lack of tutorial for people who have never done these sorts of world bosses before, and the issue of people getting locked out and being unable to do the boss, there is a big problem here.

Not everyone could try the boss every 3 hours until they managed to get lucky enough to kill her. This wouldn’t be so bad if it was for bragging rights. However, some folks tried really hard to get the Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy, and since it was a beta exclusive they’ll be unable to get ahold of it. This is especially frustrating for people who got locked out without being able to even attempt the boss.

Truth be told, I think one of two things should happen. Either during Diablo IV’s launch week they should make Ashava available to possibly let players get that reward, or they should make it available for anyone who attempted to fight Ashava even if they failed. They put us at a disadvantage locking us at level 20, plus the Legendary drop rate was absolutely abysmal. So, something needs to happen for folks to have a fair deal here.

Overall, Diablo IV’s Server Slam was a fun ride, though I think they nerfed several classes (or overall class damage) a bit too hard. I’m excited for the game to launch in full, but I really do hope that Blizzard does something to make this right for people who couldn’t defeat Ashava over the weekend. The world boss functionality is an interesting idea, and the challenge was fun overall, but there were some clear issues.

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Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.


  • Geo

    May 16, 2023 - 8:24 pm

    She wasnt overtuned. She was easy even being 5 levels above. You omly got one shot if you were severly undergeared and didnt use a poison elixer. Feels like thos article was lifted right off of reddit. Not great.

    • Alexx Aplin

      May 16, 2023 - 10:07 pm

      You’re in the minority on that opinion my friend. I used a poison Elixir, as well as several folks I knew of, and she was still incredibly tough. Her damage and defense were overtuned. Also, considering that the drop rate of legendaries and higher quality gear was reduced, being under geared was probably the average situation. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion, but this is an opinion piece article you’re commenting on (marked Editorial for that reason) so your comment on the quality is unnecessary.

  • Jkohl

    May 16, 2023 - 8:35 pm

    Absolutely not everyone should get the rewards. Gotta earn it! ATC, ATC!

    • Alexx Aplin

      May 16, 2023 - 10:04 pm

      Then they should allow players who had issues to have more chances to beat her. I offered multiple solutions there. While I agree that people should earn it, not everyone got the chance.

      • InsanitiesEdge

        May 17, 2023 - 8:15 am

        More chances to beat her???? There were 9 total!!!!

        Also, total misinformation from the the author of this article. When you die from Ashava, you don’t come back from a town….. there is a ressurection spot not even 3 seconds south of the fight, so you never leave the area! Either you experienced a glitch, or someone else did and told you, while you never even tried Ashava 🤯

        • Alexx Aplin

          May 17, 2023 - 6:12 pm

          As the article states, I fought Ashava twice, and I have heard several people who (If you’re correct experienced a glitch) were sent back to town when they resurrected. You don’t have to agree with me, but to call it misinformation when the article is an opinion piece is absurd.

          As for chances to beat her, there are people who played one or both betas who have children and life commitments, who maybe only had one or two actual chances to fight and beat her. What harm would it do to you if they got more chances?

  • Theoriginaled

    May 17, 2023 - 7:46 am

    Just a point of correction. Not sure if you knew or not, the matter of whether the games own explanation is unclear is another discussion. If you release during the ashava fight instead of being resurrected by a player it brings you back at a checkpoint just outside the arena with a 10% reduction to equipment quality. You only end up back in town if you choose to.

    • Alexx Aplin

      May 17, 2023 - 6:14 pm

      It may have been a glitch people ran into (as one commenter has said) but I heard several folks (from my personal life and social media) who got kicked back to town and ended up missing the rest of the fight altogether. Could be a glitch, could have been that they pressed the wrong button, but I appreciate the correction all the same.

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