I started learning and practicing tarot about a year ago now. It’s a vast, expansive space in which you can explore anything that troubles or inspires you about life. Devolver Digital, one of the best publishers in the games business today, is announcing a new game in which tarot, as well as narrative-driven gameplay, are at the heart of an adventure. This immediately jumped up my list of things I need to play in 2023. Here’s what we learned in the announcement for The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood from Deconstructeam and Devolver Digital.

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is rooted in a wide variety of characters that explore divination and tarot in a way that pushes narrative gameplay into an exciting new space. As Fortuna, the player controls a witch exiled to space on an asteroid. It’s here that you make a deal with a mysterious creature to regain your freedom. After 200 years, your exile has certainly changed things back home. You’re tasked with reconnecting with old friends and making new ones as you explore the universe through tarot-like card creatures and other supernatural elements.

At the heart of the project is a story of “identity, community, and personal responsibility.” Narrative-driven games are certainly gaining a devout audience thanks to the success of titles like Coffee Talk or When the Past Was Around. The act of playing a game is often seen as a method of doing, but we experience and empathize with the characters we control on screen just as much as we do the ones in movies or books. It’s a great trend occurring thanks to the likes of developers like Deconstructeam, the team behind The Red Strings Club. The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is expected in 2023 for PC and Nintendo Switch. Let us know if this game just got added to your list of things to check out this year!

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