With Street Fighter 6 releasing this June, Capcom held a special showcase this week which detailed a bunch of new information surrounding the latest game. There’s a lot to cover so let’s dive in. The showcase began with a new glimpse of the upcoming single-player World Tour mode. In addition to Metro City players will also be able to explore other locations within the Street Fighter universe.

One such location is the Asian town of Nayshall. We also got some new information surrounding the RPG elements of this mode. Players can consume various items and food in order to level up their avatar. By leveling up, they can acquire various skill points and learn new techniques by learning from the iconic characters in the roster. These avatars aren’t just exclusive to the story mode and can be utilized in special PVP matches found within the Battle Hub.

One of the most surprising features added to Street Fighter 6 comes in the form of new control schemes. Capcom certainly looks to be trying to appeal to more casual audiences with this new entry as players have the option to switch to “Dynamic mode.” This control scheme adds auto combos that can be performed with simple button presses. Of course, veterans will still be able to utilize classic and modern controls if desired. All the same, it’s nice to give new players more options.

Other gameplay features include the return of Arcade mode, custom games, and Extreme Battle which adds wacky challenges and hazards to battles. Ranked battles have also been adjusted to be more new player friendly. Rookies will no longer incur penalties for losing matches. This bonus also extends to the highest rank players, who cannot drop below certain thresholds allowing more freedom to experiment with new characters at the top level.

Lastly, the biggest news came with the announcement of upcoming fighters who will be joining the roster post-launch. The first is the favorite fan Rashid, who debuted in Street Fighter V and will launch later in the summer. Next is the new fighter A.K.I in autumn. Finally, the year will conclude with the launch of Ed from Street Fighter V and another returning favorite, Akuma.

The showcase then concluded with the announcement of a final playable demo that will be launching on April 26th for PS4/5 Xbox Series X/S and PC. Players will be able to test World Tour mode, learn mechanics, and transfer their avatar to the full game at launch.

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Edward Harding

I've been playing games since I was a little kid. I have a soft spot for Nintendo titles and RPG's but play all kinds of titles across a variety of platforms. Outside of games I love to play music and practice martial arts. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram as well.

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