Monday, it was unveiled that you can listen to Jack Black on Vinyl, like the hipster you are. Tuesday, Tekken 8 will get rollbacks and crossplay, some Pratt once again set box office records, and Super Bomberman R 2 has a release date. Wednesday, Genshin Impact has updated again, yet I’ve yet to see a single bit of gameplay somehow. Meanwhile, Thursday, Trine 5 looks colorful, and beautiful and is set to release later this year.
Moving on to what is free once again on the Epic Games Store, it is ARK if it were a multiplayer-focused Left 4 Dead expansion, yes, Second Extinction. Maybe I’m being unfair, but if your game was released into early access three years ago and has been free through Epic twice already, you’ve spent too long in early access. In fact, the Steam description says all that needs to be said: “Big map. Big dinosaurs. Big guns.” At the mention of multiplayer-focused gameplay many of you decided whether or not this repeat was worth your time, and I can’t blame you, so we’ll move on.
Next up is something we’ve yet to see around these parts. Don’t get your hopes up though, as MORDHAU is online-PVP focused and is a very pretty and nice take on the gameplay that For Honor and Chivalry (or Rainbow Six Siege minus the guns) tries to corner. It is the type of thing I’d like to play if only there were early Battlefield-style bots to play against. Released four years ago (remember when there wasn’t a pandemic?), MORDHAU was received well, though getting into it now after Nut5niffer29 has hit level 5 million might be a touch of a problem.
All this week you can pick up Second Extinction if you haven’t already and MORDHAU until the morning of the 20th of April. Moving on to next week we have another double bill with yet another repeat, Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna), followed by Beyond Blue. The former is that really nice but desaturated story by Anchorage-based developer Upper One Games (similar to Tchia) about the native Iñupiat and their culture. The latter has you exploring the big blue wet thing while doing a David Attenborough, finding out about the Blue Planet.
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