Monday, Samuel covered Far Cry 5 getting a 60 FPS patch for next-gen consoles and a free trial this weekend on Epic. Tuesday, Sonic Frontiers has gotten a big update, and Star Wars: Way of the Ginger got a story trailer. Wednesday, the second wave of Game Pass for March was unveiled to little fanfare. Then finally Thursday, Limited Run shared an update on how to anger Star Wars nerds when they have oftentimes a tentative stranglehold on reality.
Moving on to the free-to-play thing that has some free content available for me to be a curmudgeon about, we have World of Warships and the Ishizuchi starter pack. Valued at some money to someone for some reason, this “starter pack” gets you some XP and credit boosts, some colorful boxes aimed to get you addicted to loot boxes, some camouflage for a big grey thing on a bit blue wet thing, and of course, the big grey thing named after the rocky hill half the size of Fuji too. If I sound bored and angry, that’s because I am since I’ve actually been playing games that are fun for two weeks.
I would say that’s enough about games I’ve gotten keys for to review and let’s get back to Epic, but I can’t. Especially as we’re talking about Ripstone’s Chess Ultra. The game leans on the knowledge that we could render very nice-looking chess pieces in Unreal back in 2017, which means everything is nice and shiny or textured beautifully. It is difficult to say too much about a game that is just pretty Chess, that same game that you can play with flat textures in your browser via However, this week it is the only game that is here and not a money-grabbing venture to bore me to tears.
All this week you can pick up Chess Ultra on the Epic Games Store until the 30th of March, and you can waste your time with World of Warships too if you like. Moving on to next week and another reason I’m just a bit miffed with Epic, I’ll have to drag out another paragraph about Tunche after covering it in last month’s Prime Gaming article. Yes, next week’s free game is already available with your Prime subscription and is very basic. I can’t wait… to throw myself off of a cliff.
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