On the massive romantic-comedy anime deep-dive I’ve made over the past few months, it’s been a thrill waiting for a weekly episode from the likes of Tomo-Chan is a GirlDon’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro – 2nd Attack, and Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible. In addition, The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague was recommended by a friend, and I was immediately swept away by its light fantasy themes and art style. Now that its first season has concluded, is it worth the binge?

The premise of The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague is that Himoru, the descendant of a snow queen, has tendencies to blizzard and freeze when he’s emotional, including shrinking in size when he gets too warm. This leads to his legs getting frozen in a park ahead of his first day of work at a new company. Fuyutsuki takes notice and offers to quite literally break the ice and free him. After discovering they work at the same company, the two have an instant connection, shy as they may be.

Each episode of The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague starts off with one of the catchiest anime intros I have heard in my life – so much so, that I never once skipped it, which I would do with any other series. Takao Sakuma’s “FROZEN MIDNIGHT” is an absolute earworm that will stick in my head for hours after finishing an episode, with infectious lo-fi beats and huge staccatos in its chorus. This is a song I’ll put on for years to come purely out of leisure.

Aside from Himuro-kun and Fuyutsuki-san, there are some side romances to keep an eye on throughout The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague. Komori, a descendant of a fox, will sprout fox ears and a tail when excited, as her fiery personality meets its match with Saejima, both of whom also work at the office. There’s also an episode dedicated to Otonashi and Katori, but other than a few minutes, the spotlight is solely on Himuro and Fuyutsuki – for better and for worse, as I feel like these other couples could have blossomed instead of being in the background.

There’s a lot to keep coming back to in The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague, with enough to separate it from the romcom anime genre’s tropes and cliches. This is a slow-paced, relaxed show, where the two most certainly have feelings for each other, instead of one or both pretending they don’t. Plus, there are no pervy/sexually-explicit moments that seem to be a staple in modern romcoms, making this a more wholesome, PG watch for fans.

Starting off in January and just now ending, it was a pleasure to follow along every Tuesday with The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague. It was heartwarming and didn’t rely too much on cliffhangers, but I do wish there was more of a progression in the romance between Himuro and Fuyutsuki as it’s hard to even tell if they’re a couple when all is said and done. Nevertheless, this series will make for a strong binge worth a few hours of your time on a snowy day.

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🔥1.1 K

The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague





  • Outstanding Intro Music
  • Charming and Wholesome
  • No Perversion


  • Disappointing Ending
  • Not Enough Subplot

Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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