Red Rising is a 2014 science fiction novel by Pierce Brown. It is the first entry within the Red Rising Saga which totals seven novels, though only five have been published currently. I admit the initial elevator pitch behind this series put me off for a while. It shares many similarities to dozens of other Young Adult Sci-fi dystopian books that peaked in popularity during the early 2010s. However, I heard many good things about the sequels which I have been told evolve past the typical tropes.

The story of Red Rising takes place within our solar system. In the distant future, humanity has expanded onto every planet within our system using terraforming to support life on each new world. Society has been warped into that of color-based social castes, each of which are bioengineered to fulfill various roles. Our main protagonist, Darrow is part of the lowest caste of Reds who are essentially slaves forced to mine for resources in the subterranean depths of Mars.

After some unfortunate events, Darrow finds himself under the employ of a terrorist organization known as the Sons of Ares. Eventually, Darrow undertakes a mission to infiltrate the Institute, a school for the highest ruling caste of Golds. He will then act as a sleeper agent for the sons after obtaining a position of power.

As I mentioned before, this is not the most unique premise. The most direct comparisons I could make would be to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Fortunately, the plot for this book trends towards the latter of those two while cherry-picking a few of the better aspects of The Hunger Games. If I was given the choice I’d certainly pick this book over Hunger Games every time, though it still fails to surpass Golding’s classic novel.

Major themes in Red Rising are also decidedly unoriginal for the genre. All the common themes are here from prejudice, political corruption, capitalism, socialism, consumerism, war, and rebellion against the system. Somehow though, there are certainly glimmers of uniqueness here. Brown has a very strong authorial voice and his decision to use a first-person perspective helps to bring that to the forefront. However, at times this perspective can be slightly detrimental as it forces Brown to tell many aspects of the narrative rather than showing them.

The world here is also well realized. I like that the colors are more than simple social constructs put in place by the government. Each one is so different genetically that they almost feel like different species. One big issue for me was the characters. I like Darrow as a protagonist, though he does have a fair bit of plot armor. Despite that, he also has clear flaws and a compelling character arc. I love a good underdog story and clear progression within my fantasy stories and Red Rising certainly delivers in that aspect.

The side characters are a different story. They are certainly likable enough but often come across as one-dimensional. This is especially true towards the second half where allegiances shift and Darrow finds himself with a new group. The quick, frenetic pacing doesn’t do much to alleviate this, but it helps keep you interested. I was never bored reading this since everything is always pushing forward and stakes escalate in a satisfying and natural way. Where Red Rising really shines is within the dynamics between the characters. The interpersonal conflicts and social manipulation on display are so wonderfully sinister that you can’t look away.

Red Rising certainly feels like it is building toward something much grander throughout the story. I finished it and instantly wanted to see what happens next. Red Rising manages to twist along relatively well-trodden story beats in just the right way so that I was never completely turned off by the story. However, I can certainly understand why the first volume has such a divisive discourse surrounding it. Red Rising is not a story for everyone, but if you enjoy these types of narratives, you will find a lot to love even within the first book.

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🔥3.8 K

Red Rising





  • Solid worldbuilding
  • Interesting Character dynamics
  • Strong authorial voice and prose


  • Side characters can be one note
  • Unoriginal premise and themes

Edward Harding

I've been playing games since I was a little kid. I have a soft spot for Nintendo titles and RPG's but play all kinds of titles across a variety of platforms. Outside of games I love to play music and practice martial arts. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram as well.

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