Monday, Riot announced some games you’ll probably never want to play and Genshin Impact updated, again. Tuesday, Terra Nil and 9 Years of Shadows got release dates, while Killer Frequency is set to release this summer. Wednesday, the second wave of Xbox Game Pass for February has been unveiled, and there is a remake of the Japanese-exclusive original Atelier Marie. Thursday, the lineup for this year’s Evo was unveiled, for whatever that means, I understand nothing of esports or fighting games.
Moving on to this week’s free game on the Epic Games Store, we have Duskers. A top-down sci-fi exploration title that was released back in 2016 to quite a bit of acclaim for its atmosphere, gameplay, and an overall sense that you are in an Alien movie. Commanding drones through a command console on your ship lost in the far reaches of space, you must collect materials such as fuel or parts to modify your drones. If I wasn’t the sickest person (not in the 90s sense) right now, I’d be all over Duskers like Whitney Houston on the punchline to every Whitney Houston joke.
All this week, you can pick up Duskers on the Epic Games Store until the morning of the 2nd of March. Onto next week, we have Dapper Penguin’s more well-known title than the Gordon Ramsey ’em up we covered the other week. Yes, it is Rise of Industry. Released in 2019, the tycoon title focuses on raising industry and as a result, the amount of pollution in the city your industry is built in. In other words, Twitter will call it obscenely political, Tumblr will say it isn’t doing enough about climate change, and idiots will continue to ignore the effects of mass industry.
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