As an explanation for this month’s rather poor showing from Jeff Bezos’ free game drops, there are a few days this month when you can pick up some extra games via Prime Gaming. As the title suggests, there is one big release from the last ten years. Alongside that, we’ve got 9 other games from the 90s and maybe even the early 2000s. There’s also a collection of games from the 70s-90s. Unlike the usual monthly article, I won’t be going into too much detail on those, as I’ve already done that when they were last available.

Fans of arcade games will have a ball this week since you can pick up the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection again. From Guerrilla War and Time Soldiers to Prehistoric Isle and Vanguard, there are a lot of arcade classics as well as a few console versions of some releases too. Joining the SNK-heavy week is SNK’s Metal Slug 1X (2), and 3, as well as The Last Blade 1 and 2. If you haven’t seen the pattern yet, you might now. Twinkle Star SpritesReal Bout Fatal Fury, and the SNK NeoGeo classic The King of Fighters 2003 are joining everything for December of 2022.

Ultimately, you’re here because Arkane made a lesser Thief with 2012’s Dishonored. I love Dishonored, but the influence of a much deeper stealth series is obvious. Throughout this week, you can pick up the sequel to Corvo’s story following Kessha Franklin as she takes on the powers of the kingdom and a few new abilities/powers. Despite an everlasting love for the first in the series, I’ve tried twice at least to complete Emily’s story and stop halfway through every time. Now, not playing on a console with the restricted FOV, I might make a concerted effort to finish it this time.

Starting today, the 27th of December, until the 3rd of January, 2023, you can pick up all 10 of these titles with your Prime Gaming subscription. We’ll have the article for January’s offerings either on the 3rd or 4th of January. 

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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