After releasing exclusively on the Nintendo Switch back in March 2021 and then expanding to Steam earlier this year, many fans have had the chance to enjoy Monster Hunter Rise. The massive Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion added a lot more content and the still ongoing title updates have kept it in the limelight. Soon, even more people will get the chance to try out the latest iteration of the action RPG series.

A brand new announcement trailer has revealed that the base game with all of the updates up to version 10 will be released to multiple new platforms starting on January 20th. All of the major platforms are included, even those from the previous console generation. The list of new platforms is as follows:

  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Microsoft Windows

The Microsoft Windows and current generation console versions will be putting their potential great hardware to use and be able to support 4k 60FPS gameplay. Those platforms will also support 3D audio, although the Xbox One versions will have that added in Spring 2023. While this is just the base game at first, the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion will be released in Spring 2023 as well. It can be assumed that these new platforms will receive the expansion and be fully brought up-to-date since Title Update 5 is expected to come around in a similar release window.

What will surely encourage many more within the Microsoft/Xbox ecosystem to check out Monster Hunter Rise is that it’s going to be available through Xbox Game Pass. The Official Xbox Twitter account also confirmed that this meant both Xbox Game Pass (i.e. for consoles) and PC Game Pass. The service has kept the momentum going with some strong offerings twice each month, and it seems the second half of January will already be quite notable with this new addition.

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Samuel Moreno

Samuel (he/him) has been obsessed with video games since he was a kid watching bumbling zombies shuffle down a hallway in Resident Evil 20+ years ago (it's debatable if he should have seen a mature-rated game at that age but he's personally okay with it). His hobby of writing and talking people's ears off about video games has always felt like a perfect match. Feel free to let him talk your ear off on Twitter!:

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